Sydney May

Sydney May
Sydney May (Yan Panpan)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Adoption Day

Today we officially gained a new daughter!  That makes 2 daughters that have joined our family on November, because today is Gracie's 7th birthday!

We met again in the same conference room of our hotel and signed the official documents to adopt Sydney.  We had them notarized and then it was official, Sydney is ours forever!  We are so excited and relieved that this chapter is over and are looking forward to beginning a new chapter of life with our new daughter!

In the afternoon, we went to apply for Sydney's passport.  We went on a bus with 8 other families that are adopting, to a government building.  They took Sydney's picture for her passport, then we took a family picture and were given her official adoption document!  We were then taken to Sam's Club where we were able to do some shopping for some food, drinks and things we were needing.  It is owned by Wal-Mart, but it is like Costco where everything is in bulk.  Sydney was in awe the whole time.  She has probably never been to a store that size with that many things to choose from.

Sydney is still doing well.  Her personality is coming our more and more!  She definitely has a stubborn streak and likes to have things her way!  It's difficult not being able to explain to her why she can't take off without mommy or daddy.  She is fearless and just takes off to explore so we have to constantly be on our toes!

We are missing Grace, Damon and Jared terribly and wish we could just come home now, but we have to travel to Guangzhou at the end of the week and spend another week there to have her medical exam done and have her immigration papers approved, so for now we will continue to enjoy the time bonding with Sydney and enjoying this beautiful city.

Here are the pictures of us signing the adoption papers and some others of the day.

Snuggling with Daddy

Signing adoption papers

Signing adoption papers

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! One less! A forever daughter- I am so thankful today!
