Sydney May

Sydney May
Sydney May (Yan Panpan)

Monday, November 30, 2015

Medical Exam

November 28, 2015

Today we went to a large medical center for Sydney's medical exam.  They check the children's height, weight, vision.  They make sure all their immunizations are up to date.  They see a doctor and get their blood drawn to check for Tuberculosis.

The worst part of the day was waiting for all the different stations, but Sydney did great.  For the blood draw, they don't let the parents go in.  She just marched right in and sat down and when she was done, she jumped up and came out to me.  She didn't seem upset at all.  She is being such a trooper through this whole thing!

Such a brave girl!

Made it to Guangzhou

November 27, 2015

Today we flew from Fuzhou to Guangzhou.  It was Sydney's first time in a plane and she did great overall.  She threw a fit when we sat down and made her sit still and put on her seatbelt, but after that, she watched a movie on the ipad and was fine.

We landed and met our guide, Simon.  We also met several other families from Lifeline Children's Services who we will be with this week in Guangzhou.  We are the only Small World family here this week, so we are with the Lifeline group.

We took a bus to the Garden Hotel.  It is truly a 5-star hotel!  Our room has a separate living room and bedroom.  It is amazing.

Here are some pictures of our flight and our hotel.

Flight from Fuzhou to Guangzhou

More from flight



Waiting for our luggage

Garden Hotel

Garden Hotel

Garden Hotel

Garden Hotel

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, today is Thanksgiving.  We get to celebrate 16 hours sooner here in China!  We started off the day with a visit to the Xichan Temple.  This is a beautiful temple in Fuzhou that people go to pray and burn incense to Buddha.  The grounds were beautiful with a large pond and bridges.  There are also fish and turtles in the pond, so the kids took bread to feed them.  Sydney loved this and was so excited.

That night all the families went to a Thai food restaurant to celebrate Thanksgiving together.  We had a good time eating and talking about our adoption experiences.

We just want to say we are so thankful for our children.  Damon, Jared, Grace and Sydney are so special and coming here to bring another child into our family has just made us realize more than ever how important and special and unique each of our children are and we love them so much.  We are also very thankful for all our family and friends who have supported us to get to where we are today, celebrating our first Thanksgiving with Sydney.  And a special thank you to Aunt Michele and Grandma Glenda for taking such good care of Grace while we are gone.I have missed her terribly but I have not worried about her at all because I know how well she is being taken care of.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

7 pictures of Xichan Temple

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner

Friday, November 27, 2015

Orphanage Visit

I've been procrastinating writing this post because of all the emotions that comes with it.  I (Angela)  visited Sydney's orphanage today.  Scott stayed at the hotel with Sydney.  She is doing so well that we didn't want to have any set-backs and did not want to upset or confuse her any more than she already is.

Her orphanage was about a 3-hour drive from Fuzhou.  I went with our guide and a driver.  Nanping is in the mountains, so it is cooler than Fuzhou. It is beautiful there with mountains and trees and a river that runs through the city.

We arrived at the orphanage and I was shown into a meeting room.  There they gave me a snack of some locally grown fruits.  They had tiny little oranges, about the size of a ping pong ball and you eat the whole thing,  skin and all.  It had a very mild orange flavor.  They also had little tomatoes and bananas.  The assistant director then gave me a tour of the orphanage.  They have many therapy rooms for the children with developmental and physical delays.  They have special education rooms and play rooms.  The older children were off site at school, so I only saw the younger kids.  The grounds were beautiful with a pond and statues;  and was set up against the base of a mountain with large trees and lots of greenery.

We then went to where the children sleep and I saw Sydney's room and her bed.  It looked like she shared a room with 3 other children who slept in cribs.  I had the pleasure of meeting Sydney's nanny,  Weng Xue Mei.  This is a women who lives at the orphanage and has cared for Sydney since she came to them at 6 weeks of age.  She was disappointed that Sydney didn't come, but I was able to get a picture with her and was able to thank her for taking such good care of Sydney.  At this point I had tears streaming down my face and Xue Mei took my hand and thanked me for giving Sydney a home.

We went back into the meeting room and I was able to ask questions that I had.  They had given me the top 40 questions that parents ask with the answers to the questions on Gotcha Day, so most of what I had been wondering had already been answered.

The assistant director then took us to lunch at a local restaurant.  She ordered for us so I had no idea what kind of food was coming.  This is a nightmare for me because I am such a picky eater!  The first thing to come out was soup with tofu and vegetables, both of which I do not like.  But I had to be polite and try it and it was surprisingly good.  Even the tofu was good!  The waitress kept bringing dish after dish of food and for the most part it was really good.  I had sweet and sour pork and steak.  Then they brought out rice cakes.  These are not rice cakes like we think of;  they are made from rice that is made into a paste, then cut into rectangle pieces.  It is similar in consistency to the tofu that tastes just like rice!  I tried that too and was pleasantly surprised that it was very good.  The only things I did not end up liking was the chicken that was flavored very different and looked like they took the whole chicken and just chopped it up, bones and all into bite size pieces.  And I didn't like the mushrooms.  One of the things that I have learned is that most Chinese people eat a lot!  At lunch, we ate a full hour straight, continually refilling our plates.  I was so stuffed!  I learned how to say "I'm full" in Mandarin!

Once I got back to the hotel, Sydney was very excited to see me.  Scott said that she was looking all over for me and was upset when she couldn't find me.

I'm glad I went to see where Sydney has been living and to get pictures for her, but it was a very emotional day.  The assistant director asked that I not share on the internet any pictures with the children in them, so those I will have to share in person once I get home.  Otherwise, here are pictures from Nanping City and from the orphanage.

Nanping City

Nanping City

Nanping City

Orphanage street

Orphanage street

Baby safety shelter at gate

Orphanage office building and therapy rooms



Entrance to office & therapy building

Orphan housing building

Angela & assistant orphanage director

Sydney's room second floor at far right

Sydney's bed

Sydney's room

Angela with Sydney's favorite nanny

Sydney's finding place outside the orphanage gates

Orphanage sign

Inside baby shelter

Inside baby shelter

Nanpine City

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Panda World

Today we got to go with other adoptive families on the bus to Panda World and then to a famous part of town called Three Lanes & Seven Alleys.

Sydney is still doing surprisingly well.  She is very attached to her daddy and wants him to carry her everywhere!  We are also finding out she is pretty fearless.  She will take off and leave us so we constantly have to be holding her hand or carrying her to keep track of her.  We have also found that we need to stick to her eating schedule that they gave us when we picked her up.  If she doesn't have her meals and snacks on schedule, she gets upset and cries.  Once she gets her snack or meal,  she is back to being happy and smiling.

Panda World was fun.  They have several panda bears that you can see and also red pandas there that we got to see in a show.  Sydney loved to look at them.

We then went to Three Lanes & Seven Alleys.  It's an area in Fuzhou that has 3 lanes which has some of the nicest, biggest houses in the city;  and then 7 alleys which has many poor families.  One of the lanes is lined with shops, so we walked up and down it looking around and getting some souvenirs.  We also found Starbucks!  Not that I am typically a fan of Starbucks, but not having my Human Bean daily, I will take what I can get!

We have also found that Sydney needs her nap daily, so we got back to the hotel, closed all the curtains and Scott and Sydney took a nap.  For dinner, we went with 3 other families to a local Thai food restaurant.  The menu was very intimidating with choices like squid;  and full chickens and fish with heads still attached.  We managed to find some pork and rice that we ordered and it was excellent!  After dinner we walked back to the hotel along the lake looking at the lights.  It was very beautiful!  We are also very thankful to have met so many wonderful families and their sweet children.  It is so great to be able to share advice and share concerns and to be able to support each other during this time.

Tommor I will be going to Sydney's orphanage.  We decided that Scott will stay at the hotel with Sydney and I will go to Nanping where she is from.  She is doing so well with us, we don't want to further confuse or upset her by going back then leaving again.  So, she will hang out with daddy for the day and I will take pictures of her orphanage.

Here are the pictures of our day.

On the way to Panda World

Panda World

Panda World

Panda World

Panda World

Panda World

Panda World

Panda World

Panda World

Panda World

Three Lanes & Seven Alleys

3 lanes & 7 alleys

3 lanes & 7 alleys

3 lanes & 7 alleys

Nap time