Sydney May

Sydney May
Sydney May (Yan Panpan)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sydney's first week at home

Hello everyone,

It is so nice to be back home! After being gone 3 weeks, it's kind of tough to get back into the swing of things and back to our routine. I wanted to get everyone up to speed on this past week.

Our flights home were uneventful. We watched a lot of movies! Sydney did well, but was only able to sleep for about 3 hours. Scott had a 1 hour nap and I did not sleep at all. So, after being up for 30 hours, we were all exhausted! But, we had a great welcoming committee at the airport! Jared, Grace and Angela's mom, sisters and nieces were able to meet us when we came off the plane. It was so great to see everyone and to see Jared and Grace get to finally meet Sydney.

On Saturday we drove home to Klamath Falls, stopping in Camas Valley to see Scott's parents. Sydney is very friendly and says "hi" to everyone. She is doing great meeting everyone. We of course, are making sure to watch for cues that she is overwhelmed, but so far is doing well.

This week, we have stayed close to home, spending a lot of time getting into a routine with Sydney and Grace and continuing to get to know each other. We got to decorate our Christmas tree and decorate Christmas cookies. It is so fun to watch Sydney in awe of all the new things. Her enthusiasm and excitement are contagious!

Sydney had her first check up with her pediatrician. Her doctor said she is very impressed with how healthy she looks and how well she is already bonding to Scott and I. She is being referred to Early Childhood Intervention to assess where she is at developmentally and to help her learn English. She will start Kindergarten next year.

Sydney is amazing, she is dealing with all of this very well. One of the only issues we have had so far is at bedtime. We tried to have her sleep in her bed in the room with Grace, but she cried in there, so we set up a cot in our bedroom since she is used to sleeping with us next to her. Once she gets to sleep, she sleeps all night, but getting to sleep is still a challenge. She still cries for awhile before falling asleep. It's not an upset cry, it's more of a "throwing a fit" cry ;) What she wants is to sleep in the bed with Scott and I, but that's a habit we definitely don't want to start! Otherwise, she is a happy girl! She loves all the new toys in her room and loves to push the baby doll around in the doll stroller.

Here are some pictures of our homecoming and our first week at home!

Flight from Hong Kong to Dallas

Flight from Hong Kong to Dallas

Passed out on the plane!

Cietera, Micayla & Jordan

Jayne, Jordan, Michele, Micayla

Micayla, Jordan, Michele, Grace, Cietera, Melody

Getting off the plane in Portland

Our girls!

Jared surprised me by coming!

Meeting Aunt Chele

My sweet Gracie!

Mommy and her girls

The Carter family (missing Damon)


Meeting Aunt Melody

Daddy's girl

Sydney with Grandma Glenda

Aunt Chele and Micayla

Cousin Jordan

Cousin Micayla

Aunt Melody


Bonding over the I-pad!

Big brother Jared

Grandma Susie and Grandpa David

Grandma and the girls

Cousin Cietera

Grandpa Michael

"Deck the Halls"!

Decorating Christmas cookies

Big brother Damon

Doctor's appointment

Just hanging out

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Catching Up

December 3, 2015

Hello everyone!  We have had a very eventful 3 weeks and thank all of you for your prayers and support during this time.

The last few days have been spent sightseeing and shopping.  On Tuesday, December 1,  we went to Shamian Island where there are many souvenir shops.  We got most of the things we were wanting there and were able to eat lunch at Lucy's, which is a western style restaurant that my brother Eric and his wife Melody ate at both times they were in China to adopt their girls.  Tuesday night, we went on a dinner boat cruise down the Pearl River.  The lights of the city were beautiful and each bridge you went under was decorated with lights as well.  We had a very good time and Sydney enjoyed the food (she's a good eater!) and the lights.

On Wednesday, December 2,  we went to the consulate to apply for Sydney's visa.  Then, today, we met our guide in the hotel lobby to get her Visa and all her documents to get into the United States.  The family that went with us to the consulate found out that they have to stay an extra day because their daughter's Visa did not get processed.  At this point that would have been devastating for us, both mentally and financially, so we are thanking God that everything is in order!

Tomorrow, December 4 (Dec. 3 in the U.S.), we will make our long journey home.  We have a 3 hour van ride to Hong Kong to catch our 14-hour flight to Dallas, Texas.  Then our 4-hour flight from Dallas to Portland, Oregon.  We are very fortunate that some of our family gets to meet us at the airport to welcome us home, including our sweet Gracie!  We are so excited to see everyone!  Then, on Saturday,  we will drive home to Klamath Falls.  Whew....I'm tired just thinking about it!

I will post in a few days to let you know how Sydney is adjusting to being in her new environment.  Please pray for us during this next phase of transition for our family.

See you all soon!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Guangzhou Zoo

November 30, 2015

Today we got to go to the Guangzhou Zoo.  Sydney had a blast looking at all the animals.  She was fine as long as they were far away, but in the children's zoo where they would come close to the fences so you could pet them, she wanted nothing to do with that!

Sydney continues to amaze us by how great she is doing.  She is eating and sleeping well which is often a struggle at this stage.  She does throw some fits once in awhile when she doesn't get her way.  She is testing boundaries to see what she can and can't get away with.  But, we are firm and consistent, so she usually responds well.  Of course it would help if we could explain things to her, but that will come with time.  We have been extremely blessed by this little girl and thank God for sending her to our family.  We are so excited to introduce her to her brothers and sister and to the rest of our family and friends.  She has also bonded really well with both Scott and I.  She will go to either of us and she is very clear that she knows we are her parents.  She gives great kisses and hugs too!

Here are some pictures of our day at the zoo.  We made sure to get one of Sydney with the monkey statue because she climbs all over Scott like a little monkey wanting to be held and carried!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Medical Exam

November 28, 2015

Today we went to a large medical center for Sydney's medical exam.  They check the children's height, weight, vision.  They make sure all their immunizations are up to date.  They see a doctor and get their blood drawn to check for Tuberculosis.

The worst part of the day was waiting for all the different stations, but Sydney did great.  For the blood draw, they don't let the parents go in.  She just marched right in and sat down and when she was done, she jumped up and came out to me.  She didn't seem upset at all.  She is being such a trooper through this whole thing!

Such a brave girl!

Made it to Guangzhou

November 27, 2015

Today we flew from Fuzhou to Guangzhou.  It was Sydney's first time in a plane and she did great overall.  She threw a fit when we sat down and made her sit still and put on her seatbelt, but after that, she watched a movie on the ipad and was fine.

We landed and met our guide, Simon.  We also met several other families from Lifeline Children's Services who we will be with this week in Guangzhou.  We are the only Small World family here this week, so we are with the Lifeline group.

We took a bus to the Garden Hotel.  It is truly a 5-star hotel!  Our room has a separate living room and bedroom.  It is amazing.

Here are some pictures of our flight and our hotel.

Flight from Fuzhou to Guangzhou

More from flight



Waiting for our luggage

Garden Hotel

Garden Hotel

Garden Hotel

Garden Hotel